it’s learning en Microsoft in de wolken – #liveatedu #BPOS

  … 12 april 2010 tekende it’s learning en Microsoft een overeenkomst voor het integreren van Microsoft Outlook Live, Sharepoint Online en Office Web Applications in het leerplatform it’s learning. Dit betekent dat it’s learning de allerbeste verzameling van webgebaseerde communicatiemiddelen kan aanbieden aan haar klanten zodat ze productiviteit en…

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Inter Access levert SharePoint Online aan Leiden

Een mooi voorbeeld van Microsoft Online Services in de gemeente markt … … De gemeente Leiden neemt een nieuwe samenwerkingsomgeving in gebruik, die door Inter Access is ingericht en geleverd. Deze ‘het nieuwe werken’-omgeving is gebaseerd op Microsoft SharePoint en biedt samenwerkingsportals waar medewerkers van de gemeente informatie delen, gezamenlijk…

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Chris Dawson: Can I be a Windows, Apple, Linux, and Google guy all at once?

I regularly read Chris Dawson’s blogposts as he blogs about technology solutions in the education sector and that happens to be one of my areas of interest. Today he blogged about something that I hope to see and here more about … a different perspective on Microsoft … simply because…

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ICT-Office event : ICT 2010 – 2020 en de visie hierop van Microsoft, Google en Gartner

Today the ICT-Office event with Google, Microsoft and Gartner Group was held in Utrecht. Over 180 attendees. We have done the Microsoft presnetation together with Unit4 and Capgemini. Check out our PPT : Microsoft | Unit4 | Capgemini – The Cloud Ecosystem 2010-2020 View more presentations from dehaaspeter.

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Microsoft Online Services | The Ultimate list | #BPOS #msonline

Microsoft Online Services and the Business Productivity Online Suite in particular have many aspects that (potential) customers and partners are interested in learning more about. Over the last years many websites, service descriptions, whitepapers and other sources of information have been created on all topics relevant to Microsoft Online Services.…

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Windows Azure : Microsoft Server Platform Als Een Service

In december 2009, naar aanleiding van de lancering van Microsoft Windows Azure, heeft IT Service Magazine een uitgebreid artikel gepubliceerd. Het artikel is beschikbaar via mijn slideshare : Windows Azure – Microsoft Server platform als een service View more documents from dehaaspeter. Bron : IT Service Magazine december 2009

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Engineering Messenger for real relationships : Very impressive Windows Live Stats

Piero Sierra is the Group Program Manager for Windows Live Messenger and Windows Live Mail and he shares some impressive WL Messenger statistics : …The first thing that comes to mind when you think of Windows Live Messenger is usually instant messaging – bouncing short text messages back and forth.…

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What’s New in the BPOS-Federal Offer

This document introduces new features and improvements that are now available in Microsoft® Online Services dedicated products under the BPOS-Federal offering. The features under this offering are specifically designed to provide security, privacy and regulatory compliance needs for both US Federal government agencies and commercial companies under ITAR (International Traffic…

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