The Internet Is No Longer a Disruptive Technology – Bloomberg
The disruptive innovators of 10 years ago are today’s stable incumbents. — Lees op
Designing a better workday.
Designing a better workday.
The disruptive innovators of 10 years ago are today’s stable incumbents. — Lees op
You’ve probably seen them dozens of times, the Common Craft videos explaining an “IT Solution” or other overly complex thing in a very easy way … I am not sure but I think Common Craft was one of the first…
Marketingfacts heeft een korte Youtube summary en de link naar het document van Microsoft over de Europese Internet Trends geplaatst : Europe Logs On Internet is hard op weg om in de zomer van 2010 televisie te overtreffen als…
Eén event 2 koppen en 2 conclusies .. Afgelopen donderdag was de eerste CloudCamp in Nederland en naast een aantal andere Cloudspelers was ook Microsoft van de partij. Ook Computable was daar om verslag te doen van het event :2…
Very cool video about the history of the Internet : History of the Internet from PICOL on Vimeo.
I read quite a simple routine to stop Google Ads from showing up in your browser. I haven’t thoroughly tested this, but at first glance it seems to work. Ofcourse I do reconise the benefits and purpose of ad-funded sites…