New Lotus Notes Domino to Microsoft migration casestudies


Oil and Gas Producer Migrates from Lotus Notes to New Information-Worker Solution

Statoil, a leading oil and gas producer, plans to merge with part of Norsk Hydro to create the world’s biggest offshore oil company. Statoil had depended on Lotus Notes for 10 years, but needed a new enterprise document and records management system to improve collaboration, archiving, and regulatory compliance. Having considered solutions from Documentum and IBM, Statoil worked with Meridio and Microsoft to roll out its new programme— Collaboration@Statoil – to more than 26,000 Statoil information workers. Statoil has consolidated all its records into a single repository, ensuring that previously hard-to-trace information stored in several locations could be located easily. Information workers are now much more productive and can share documents and data with external partners, regulators, vendors, suppliers, and other enterprises.

The Israeli Ministry of Defence

Israeli Defence Ministry Upgrades E-Mail System in Just Three Days

The Israeli Ministry of Defence (MoD) wanted to upgrade its e-mail messaging system for knowledge workers because the existing platform had become too expensive and provided insufficient support for Hebrew. After evaluating several options, the MoD replaced Lotus Notes with Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 communication and collaboration server. The MoD also upgraded its desktop estate with Microsoft Office Outlook® 2003 and Microsoft Office 2003. By using Microsoft Systems Management Server version 2.0, the software distribution process took just three days—without any glitches or inconvenience to users. The MoD considers it has advanced its e-mail messaging system a whole generation, improved integration with other critical systems, saved on employee training, and improved the productivity and satisfaction of users.

Just OnePlace

ISV Sees 300 Percent Revenue Increase with Partner Program Support, Technology Switch

When Just OnePlace evaluated its operations, the independent software vendor realized the significant benefits of moving from IBM and Lotus to Microsoft® technologies. The company made the switch and joined the Microsoft Partner Program, which opened doors for its technical and business staff. Since joining the program, Just OnePlace has experienced a 300 percent revenue growth and an enthusiastic response from customers and shareholders.

Ofcourse there’s lot’s more where these came from : Microsoft Casestudies on Lotus Notes Domino migrations

Peter de Haas
Peter de Haas

Peter is gedreven door de grenzeloze mogelijkheden van technologische vooruitgang. Met meer dan 35 jaar ervaring in de IT heeft hij talloze ontwikkelingen zien opkomen en hun impact op organisaties en mensen meegemaakt. Met een scherp oog voor het identificeren van oplossingen waar anderen alleen problemen zien, is hij een ware expert in digitale transformaties.
Peter helpt individuen, teams en organisaties bij het ontwikkelen van nieuwe vaardigheden en het implementeren van baanbrekende oplossingen die werk beter maken. Zijn inzichten en ervaringen maken hem een gewaardeerde bron voor iedereen die de nieuwste technologische trends wil begrijpen en toepassen.

Artikelen: 3836

6 reacties

  1. Ed,
    Not sure what the hmmm means ;-). It should mean human error / my mistake. I am not so good in copy pasting after all.
    At least I am glad it didn’t mean the client change its mind rolled back the migration and told Microsoft to take the casestudy of the site, etc.etc.etc.
    It could have meant there are just too many of Notes migration studies and Microsoft is running out of storage … hmmmm :-DDD

  2. Quote from
    “We went from 62 servers for Notes mailboxes and databases to 7 servers for comparable—and often superior—Microsoft functionality, and we maintain them in one place.”
    Come on Peter, this is horse. Domino may have weaknesses compared to Exchange, but scalability is *not* one of them. Is MS totally runned by Scientologists these days?
    Oh, and by the way, notice something in this link?
    Seems Albany International didnt throw out *all* of the 62 Domino servers. 😉
    Cheers /Patrix

  3. Patrix,
    This “horse” you mention is not about scalability; it is about centralisation/consolidation. Yes before you say it, something ND may do just as well; however this organisation chose the Microsoft platform for many good reasons
    And good to see the Microsoft platform can very well co-exist with ND don’t you think 😉

  4. Patrix,
    I am not claiming that Casestudies are *the* source for all in and outs of a project and are written from an inedependent point of view.
    This is not unique to Microsoft but goes for all casestudies of all vendors I think.
    The context of profit increase / improvement of business results should be interpreted more along the lines of change in the organisation and its processes. Very often you see this change combined with the implementation of new technology. Bottom line is that multiple solution of multiple vendors do the trick. Being that vendor makes the difference 😉
    I don’t think Microsoft is twisting the facts. You have to bare in mind that casestudies are written with the involvement and consent of the client.
    Some people are just hard to convice / will never be convinced of the fact that Microsoft is an owesome company 😉
    On coexistence : Read Gary Devedorfs blog ( Some good stuff there

  5. Well this quote was from a Lotus Notes Domino to Microsoft migration case study. The point of such a study is to highlight
    the benefits with the migration right? Wouldn’t you be a little upset if IBM released a Microsoft to Lotus Notes Domino
    migration case study that stated in the ingress that the year when Acme switched from Microsoft to Lotus Notes the company
    made a 200% larger profit, even though that had nothing to do with the actual migration?
    This is the core problem I have with Microsoft. MS never seem to hesitate to omit and twist facts to make their own products
    and services look better. You may say that other companies are just as bad, but that is honestly not my experience.
    And the sad part about it, is that when MS gets it right with a product/service, I and probably many others don’t believe it
    because of this history of deception. I think this “anything goes” corporate culture is one of Microsofts biggest problems.
    Trust and credibility is very hard to earn, but deceptively easy to loose.
    Yes I think MS and Notes coexsinence is a good thing, and in fact I’ve built a few such soloutions. And I also think that if
    Microsoft spent more effort at general openness and standards compliancy in favour of deception and making just your own products play well together, everyone would be better of, including Microsoft.

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