Microsoft Online Services Migration Tools (32|64 bit)

The migrations tool to migrate Microsoft Exchange mailboxes onto Microsoft Online Services has been updated : Use the Microsoft Online Services Migration Tools to forward copies of your Exchange Server mail to your Exchange Online mailboxes. You can also use the Migration Tools to copy content from your Exchange Server,…

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‘Vertrek en Ontdek’ te gast bij Microsoft: Een reis naar je eigen online wereld en die van anderen

Leuk ! A.s. dinsdag is Sigrid van der Hoeven te gast bij ons met een nieuw inititiatief : ‘Vertrek en Ontdek’ Ik ga mee op ‘reis’ die dag, mijn koffer is al gepakt 🙂 … In mijn rol als reisleider bij Vertrek&Ontdek organiseer ik dinsdag 30 juni mijn allereerste dagtrip,…

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Radicati: EMEA Hosted Email Market projected to grow to 564M mailboxes by 2013

Impressive growth ahead in the coming years for Hosted Email in Emea : … The Radicati Group, Inc.’s latest study, "EMEA Hosted Email Market, 2009-2013," provides an in-depth look at all segments of the European Hosted Email market, including: ISP/Webmail email, Hosted Business Email, and Managed Business Email. According to…

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New BPOS Whitepaper: Microsoft Online Services Business Value

This paper discusses how Microsoft® Online Services, subscription-based online communication and collaboration services, can free information technology resources and bring value to your business. … Microsoft® Online Services provide businesses with subscription-based Microsoft-hosted online services that offer access to rich communication, collaboration, and productivity applications from anywhere. This hosted solution…

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Frontier Technology and Binary Tree Collaborate to Offer Weekend Express Migrations to Microsoft Online to the European Market

Now also available in Europe: Weekend Express Migrations; migrating from Lotus Notes / Domino to Microsoft Online Services in a very fast way… … Now European Organizations that are Running Lotus Notes Can Migrate Up To 5,000 Users to Microsoft’s Business Productivity Online Standard Suite (BPOS Standard) In as Little…

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Microsoft Live@EDU : Vragen over Outlook Live? Hier zijn de antwoorden …

Een blogpost van Remco Ploeg die de moeite waard is om te herhalen .. Outlook Live is de nieuwste propssitie binnen de Microsoft Live@EDU familie; een gratis 10GB Microsoft Exchange mailbox voor elke student en/of medewerker van een educatie instelling .. Voor gebruikers / administrators is er nu een nieuwe…

Lees meerMicrosoft Live@EDU : Vragen over Outlook Live? Hier zijn de antwoorden …

Security Features in Microsoft Online Services

New document on the security features of Microsoft Online Services: … This white paper describes how the Microsoft concern for security, as defined in the Trustworthy Computing initiative, has driven key features in the design, deployment, and operation of the Microsoft Online Services environment. The Business Productivity Online Suite is…

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