Kwoot: Abraham Lincoln
“It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.” [Via Quotes of the Day]
Designing a better workday.
Designing a better workday.
“It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.” [Via Quotes of the Day]
Het it as soon as you can. Those who use Windowsupdate will get it automatically. Windows XP Service Pack 2 has been released to manufacturing. Here are the reported rollout dates for SP2 availability. [Via Windows & .NET Magazine – Windows & .NET Magazine]
Zoals ik al eerder blogde heeft ondermeer Computable wat moeite met het brengen van nieuws. Het is komkommertijd, dus werken de redacteuren op halve snelheid en kopieren het “nieuws” iets te snel van anderen zonder te verifieren. Microsoft heeft gisteren in een eigen persbericht de release aangegeven en ondermeer in…
“Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.” [Via Quotes of the Day]
“Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.” [Via Quotes of the Day]
Includes links to some niceMS tools for removing private/unintended information. If you don’t clean up private information from your Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files then that information might become known to people you had not intended. [Via Windows & .NET Magazine – Windows & .NET Magazine]
I’m heartened to note that SuSe has added in an application server to their linux distribution – increasing the pressure on IBM to defend its increasingly curious linux strategy. Why bother with WebSphere when you get an app server in Solaris, Red Hat, Windows, and SuSe?(bold added) Great question for…
De Microsoft MSN Web Messenger, een webgebaseerde MSN client is nu beschikbaar in beta en zal later dit jaar in productie genomen worden. Nu is de tijd om het product te testen en je feedback te geven. “What is the difference between Web Messenger and Messenger? MSN Messenger is a…
Selling servers is IBM’s biggest Linux business, with nearly $2 billion in sales expected in 2004, but the company says services and software revenue will grow in coming years. … …Middleware, foundational software that lies above the operating system, includes databases to house information and application servers to run Java…
The beta of MSN Web Messenger is here now and you can give it a try. “What is the difference between Web Messenger and Messenger? MSN Messenger is a fully featured instant messaging program that you install on your own computer or one you have permission to install on. MSN…