Cool new development from Microsoft Research : MicrosoftTogether.
… Today, Web search is a solitary experience. Web browsers and search engine sites are typically designed to support a single user, working alone. However, collaboration on information-seeking tasks is actually quite commonplace! For example, students work together to complete homework assignments, friends seek information about entertainment opportunities, family members jointly plan vacation travel, and colleagues jointly conduct research for their projects. My research on collaborative search is aimed at facilitating small-group collaboration on search tasks; this webpage contains links to my papers and videos on collaborative search. …
Web search is a “SOLITARY experience” i am not sure about that but Right! lots of guys are supporting this tool and at many place and i read about it on
and followed the trail. I went to the legal website of this tool and it disappointed me saying that download has been removed temporarily because of some login glitch. Guys!!!! Does this tool really works and will sort out my collaboration problems.I mean this took is doen for some time only right?