I have decided to remove Snapshots from my blogs because they are turning from a free, very cool feature to a very cool feature with an advertising model. I completely understand Snapshots motivations and drive to earn some cash, but I don’t want to be a part of this money making game ..
… Today at ad:tech and Thursday at BlogWorld, Snap Shots is making two big announcements:
- We’re adding advertising to Snap Shots.
- We’re sharing with the sites that make Snap Shots possible.
For the last year, we’ve been giving it away.
Starting today, it’s time to share.We launched Snap Shots a year ago on November 14, 2006, and have been giving your website users better web experiences by the billion. And millions of sites around the world agree–a better user experience made them better websites.
As it turns out, a better user experience also makes for a better advertising experience. Which makes sites like yours, with Snap Shots on them, very attractive to advertisers, particularly when you’re part of the new Snap Shots Advertising Network. …
… With Snap Shares, we share a portion of the advertising inventory within the Snap Shots with you so that you can:
- Have Google serve ads via your Adsense account
- Display your own ads
- Give to a non-profit
We’ve decided to partner with Google (and soon others) to handle your share for a very simple reason: we don’t have the resources to properly administer this type of program and they do. It also means that you won’t have to deal with a new team and a new set of rules and regulations regarding your advertising payments. …
Ik had hem al verwijderd van mijn wat serieuzere weblog. Veel mensen vinden het toch een irritante feature. Ik heb hem zojuist ook verwijderd van mijn andere log.
Advertenties zijn leuk, maar ik maak graag zelf uit wat ik aan advertenties laat zien en waar.
Eindelijk, zwaar irritante feature, in het begin wel cool maar na een tijd begint het toch zwaar te irriteren.