Radicati: Hosted E-mail Market Heats Up as Providers Add Support for Microsoft Hosted Exchange Server 2007.

A new study by The Radicati Group forecasts that the worldwide hosted e-mail market installed base will grow from 1.4 billion mailboxes in 2007, to nearly 2 billion mailboxes by year-end 2011.

… Palo Alto, CA – September 10, 2007 – The latest study by The Radicati Group, Inc., “Hosted E-mail Market, 2007-2011,” offers an in-depth analysis of the worldwide market for Hosted E-mail services. It provides market trends, installed base and revenue market share by provider, four-year forecasts, breakouts by region, business size, and e-mail platforms. The study provides detailed market share for leading Microsoft Hosted Exchange and hosted IBM Lotus Domino platforms.

The market for Hosted E-mail is primarily driven by companies that require cost-effective e-mail deployment and management to accommodate their user bases. Hosted Business e-mail providers are including more value-added services, such as: wireless support, archiving, compliance, e-mail security, IM, unified communications, and more. Microsoft Hosted Exchange Server 2007 is a platform of choice for many Hosted Business e-mail providers that are looking to add advanced features and functionality.

The study also discusses the aggressive competition in the ISP/Webmail market, as many leading ISP/Webmail providers are releasing Web 2.0 GUIs based on AJAX, DHTML, and other technologies, which allow customizable user interfaces with desktop-like features. …

“Microsoft Hosted Exchange Server 2007 is a platform of choice for many Hosted Business e-mail providers that are looking to add advanced features and functionality” … I wonder what the impact is on marketshare compared to competitive platforms.

Peter de Haas
Peter de Haas

Peter is gedreven door de grenzeloze mogelijkheden van technologische vooruitgang. Met meer dan 35 jaar ervaring in de IT heeft hij talloze ontwikkelingen zien opkomen en hun impact op organisaties en mensen meegemaakt. Met een scherp oog voor het identificeren van oplossingen waar anderen alleen problemen zien, is hij een ware expert in digitale transformaties.
Peter helpt individuen, teams en organisaties bij het ontwikkelen van nieuwe vaardigheden en het implementeren van baanbrekende oplossingen die werk beter maken. Zijn inzichten en ervaringen maken hem een gewaardeerde bron voor iedereen die de nieuwste technologische trends wil begrijpen en toepassen.

Artikelen: 3829

3 reacties

  1. Ok, Peter, I’ll bite. It probably is a good thing since Michael Vizard reports:
    “Within the land of IT, nothing is a bigger pain to own, manage and run than Microsoft Exchange. Everywhere you go customers have horror stories about the installation, maintenance and, above all, uptime of their Microsoft Exchange implementations. And worse yet, they will all tell you they are paying top dollar for the privilege because the expertise needed to successfully run a Microsoft Exchange server is some of the most expensive in the IT labor pool.”
    It’s probably a good idea to have your Exchange environment hosted, to off load a lot of administration to a group of people that can be held to a higher standard than your own IT people. And it is probably more cost effective, too.

  2. Gregg,
    Thanks for this great insight.
    As you may have read in my post about the eWeek article, I was personally not very impressed.
    Hosted Exchange leads to an even bigger marketshare that’s more what I read in this research …

  3. Hi:
    This is Brian Ellin, Founder/CTO of Machine Solutions, LLC. We create next-generation web host automation software and tools to help web host and service provider consolidate and run their business effectively.
    I have noticed that you offer Hosted Exchange and I would like to offer HMC/MPS based Hosted Exchange control panel solution to you.
    Our Hosted Exchange Control Panel offers following salient features:
    Hosted email service plan manager for easy service plan creation
    Built-in store for selling hosted exchange service
    Built-in billing system, extremely powerful and flexible
    Automatic service provisioning, supports any number of exchange server via HMC/MPS configuration
    Provider control center for management of mail quota, disk quota, mail boxes, distribution lists, mail contacts, features enable/disable (like OWA, activeSync, etc)
    Customer control panel for self-service. Allows customers to see billing detail, pay bills, request service, and manage subscriptions. Customer may self-manage mail boxes, distribution lists, contacts, etc.
    Please take a look at the website where you will plenty of useful information http://www.machsol.com/products/hostedexchange/Default.aspx.
    If you feel interested I invite you to join early adopter program which gives you 25% discount on the license. To apply, just reply this e-mail with following information:
    Your Full Name:
    Company Name:
    Total Years in Business:
    Phone #:
    Website URL:
    Looking forward to work with you.
    Brian Ellin
    Machine Solutions, LLC 53 Oak Street, Suite 16
    Hartford, CT 06106
    United States
    brian@machsol.com Phone: +1 813 600 5691

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