Forrester: Case Study: Microsoft Customizes Multilevel Privacy Training For Its Employees

This was initially before my time, but now its part of our annual training programs …

… In the late 1990s, Microsoft moved to bolster the security of its products, services, and operations and found that its employees lacked understanding and awareness about data privacy. It then embarked on an employee training program. Although Microsoft had to overcome the challenges of a decentralized corporate structure in training its employees while also incorporating privacy awareness into its software development life cycle, it has succeeded in training 100% of its employees on privacy. But generic privacy training isn’t enough: Microsoft has also instituted specialized training for data handlers, marketing and sales campaign managers, and its vendors. …

Source: Case Study: Microsoft Customizes Multilevel Privacy Training For Its Employees
Author: “Jennifer Albornoz Mulligan”
Date originally published: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 04:00:00 GMT

Peter de Haas
Peter de Haas
Artikelen: 3803