Compete Blog features a nice post comparing Technorti vs Google Blog Search … Defenitly a field in which Google is not the searchleader .. by far …
Yes, Technorati is still very much the most visited blog search engine.
Earlier this week Technorati self reported Q1 numbers – they grew page views by 150% and unique visitors 141%. The bigger question however — how does this growth compare to the #2 player in this space – Google Blog Search?

Link to Technorati breaking away, leaving Google behind in the dust
This is a ridiculous comparison — 35% of my traffic comes from every single day. Does it matter whether it comes from or I’d much rather be visible on google than on Technorati — who send me 5-10 referrers a day.
Agree that the comparison can easily be misinterpreted. I wouldn’t call it ridiculous though.
Personally, and I think most bloggers, I get most blog visits through search and 90%+ of that through Google, so fully agree with you on that.
However Google themselves created blog search and I assume in an attempt to address this “niche”. Technorati is a player who happens to be dedicated to this specific niche with more success if you compare the two.
My conclusion is more or less that Google has no need for blogsearch specificly.