Strong Uptake for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Expected in Both Corporate E-mail Market and Among Hosted E-mail Providers

Radicati has released a new report on Microsoft Exchange 2007 :

The Radicati Group, Inc.’s latest study, “Microsoft Exchange Server and Outlook Analysis, 2007-2011,” provides an in-depth analysis of current and forecasted Microsoft Exchange Server installed base, with extensive breakouts by version, business size and region.

According to the report, Microsoft Exchange Server currently commands a 34% installed base market share of the corporate insourced messaging software market. Microsoft is also aggressively targeting the hosted e-mail market with Hosted Microsoft Exchange Server, with double digit growth expected in this segment over the next four years.

Microsoft released Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 in late 2006. New security, compliance, Unified Messaging and wireless e-mail features highlight Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. The report forecasts strong growth for the new platform over the next four years, particularly in medium and large enterprises.

Microsoft Outlook 2007 was also released in late 2006 and is expected to continue its strong growth rate. Microsoft Outlook Web Access 2007, the webmail client for Microsoft Exchange Server, has also been significantly improved, bringing the client mostly on par with other desktop e-mail clients.

Source: The Radicati Group

Peter de Haas
Peter de Haas

Peter is gedreven door de grenzeloze mogelijkheden van technologische vooruitgang. Met meer dan 35 jaar ervaring in de IT heeft hij talloze ontwikkelingen zien opkomen en hun impact op organisaties en mensen meegemaakt. Met een scherp oog voor het identificeren van oplossingen waar anderen alleen problemen zien, is hij een ware expert in digitale transformaties.
Peter helpt individuen, teams en organisaties bij het ontwikkelen van nieuwe vaardigheden en het implementeren van baanbrekende oplossingen die werk beter maken. Zijn inzichten en ervaringen maken hem een gewaardeerde bron voor iedereen die de nieuwste technologische trends wil begrijpen en toepassen.

Artikelen: 3836

9 reacties

  1. You dont share the common perception that Radicatis views are at best incorrect ?
    Good for you.
    Go stand on the beach, and tell the tide not to come in. See how you get on telling the tide that you dont share its sentiments.
    I’ve mentioned before – but rapid statements backed up by dubious sources really doesnt help *your* credibility.
    And this one ? It smells. Really bad. And makes you look *desperate*.
    Hardly the effect you want, right ?
    I mean – I really enjoy the “spin competitions” you have with us – its fun, no-one gets hurt, etc. But when I see the “R” word, I do feel sorry for you.
    —* Bill

  2. Bill,
    We have had this discussion several times already and my standpoint hasn’t changed.
    As a frequent visitor you know I “spin competition” based not solely based on Radicati or analysts in general. They are one of many sources (all I kind find) I read and quote about if and when I feel it has relevance.
    This relevance could be to illustrate different (yes maybe also “wrong” in your terms) perspective / analysis of a certain market.
    I do see why boycotting Radicati would help my credibility in any way to be honoust.

  3. Peter, I realize you’re not American, so you might not be able to relate, but if you were quoting the National Enquirer, do you think that might hurt your credibility?
    Ah, you’re European, so you’ll get this… if you were quoting Donald Rumsfeld, would THAT hurt your credibility? Maybe you should just cite Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf?

  4. Yes, Peter, you’ve made your point — which is, that Microsoft salespeople are trained not to question the marketing spin given to you.
    Analyst report from a firm that has tried to silence its critics? No problem. TCO study heavily biased? Not an issue. Report on the status of a customer’s Notes infrastructure? It was computer-generated, so it’s right. Case study produced by corporate? It must be true!
    It may work with a segment of the market, but I assure you, increasingly, customers are opening their eyes.

  5. Ed,
    You are twisting my words. I am not trained not to question marketing spin. That’s rubbish. As indicated in these comments and many earlier comments I see Radicati as one of the analysts covering the messaging & collaboration market.
    They have an opinion which I think is relevant to what I am intersted in. I blog about what interests me.
    I leave the interpretation of Radicati’s and other analysts opinions and reports up to the reader. As you’ve seen a coupe of weeks ago I combined the view of several analysts on marketshare; this differs heavily and so you see it could be relevant to show as much information as possible as this is “the market” whether you like it or not.
    Again I do not share the frustration and intend to boycot Radicati as the Lotus Notes community does because that could be articluated as a similar “marketing spin”
    Let’s be clear on one thing I do not represent the Radicati fanclub 🙂

  6. Hello all:
    I thought I’d join in the discussion, but avoid the personal attacks. I’ll leave it up to the rest of you. 😉
    So I noticed the discussion about Microsoft’s server business and the Radicati’s study about the growth of the hosted messaging market.
    I’m actually working on a project with Microsoft regarding the debate of hosted vs. in-house messaging.
    My name is David Spark, and I’m the editor working on behalf of Microsoft to manage the development of a commissioned whitepaper about hosted messaging entitled “The Advantages of a Hosted Messaging Security Solution” by Osterman Research.
    I do a daily tech blog myself at It’s actually a radio report I do twice a week for a local progressive talk station (960, The Quake) here in San Francisco.
    The whitepaper has been posted online as a wiki ( – Head over there and you’ll see my photo. 🙂 ) and it argues that paying a hosting company to manage your messaging costs less or the same as if you were to build and manage your own messaging system. Especially for mid-sized businesses.
    The whitepaper is highly opinionated and bases its pro-hosting argument on its belief that the last year has been a critical year for messaging and that it’s only going to get worse from here on in.
    You can check out the discussion section of the Executive Summary of the wiki to see where else people are discussing this topic (
    So you all obviously like to argue back and forth on these kinds of topics, so I invite you Peter and your readers to take a look at the wiki and make your comments and edits to it. I’m really eager to see how people in the industry perceive this issue. Feel free to comment, blog, or forward to anyone you deem appropriate.
    You’ll have to register with the wiki to post messages or make changes. Also, if you want people to know who you are, sign your post. You can do that by clicking the second icon from the right when you’re in edit mode.
    I’ve got plenty more to say on this.
    I look forward to your comments.
    David Spark

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