The SharePoint product team asks your help …
Microsoft’s User Research Group is actively conducting usability research for SharePoint products and technologies. If your functional role within the SharePoint world is that of a contributor, administrator, or developer, working with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, or Office SharePoint Designer 2007, they want to hear from you!
The focus group sessions are limited and will be held on Microsoft’s main campus in Redmond, WA beginning in late February (very soon!). All participants will be offered a gratuity selection for participation, but costs for travel and lodging will not be covered. If interested, e-mail for more information.
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Link to SharePoint users wanted for usability research beginning in late February
I suggest to use the emailaddress listed in the post.
Otherwise email me at dehaaspeter @ (remove the spaces)and I will forward your queries to the productteam …
where could i get more informations?