New domain name ?? Yes 🙁 my blogging "sabatical" turned out very different than I imagined.
Due to my own stupidity, I do no longer own the peterdehaas(.com) domain.
After a lot of frustration and learning everything about the "domain redemption process" I had no luck. As it remains uncertain whether I am able / willing ($$) to reclaim ownership; I have decided to move my blog to a new domain.
As of August 5, 2006 Peter de Haas’ Weblog is located on
If you are subscribed to my RSS feed no changes are needed as this is hosted by Feedburner
Should you have non working links, just change the domain from .com to .net.
I do apologise for the inconvinience, but I can assure you, no one is more sick of this than I am …
More detail to follow.
Meanwhile I would apreciate that everyone who has been so kind to put a link to my blog on their weblog / website to change it to the new url
Ouch – that sucks. It happens..
I tend to use services such as to keep my 40+ domains ticking over nicely.. Especially over holidays.
Complain in writing to the fools who did this and see if you can shame them into some form of action…
–* Bill
I will do the full soap post later this week when I am completely over my frustration and pride …
Thanks anyway for the tip …
[…] van de meest ‘traumatische’ ervaringen uit die tijd was dat ik mijn blog en domeinnaam ben kwijtgeraakt omdat er iets misging met de automatische verlenging ervan. Daar kwam ik op 5 augustus 2006 achter […]