Erica Driver of Forrester about her experience with Microsoft Roundtable. There’s nothing better than positive user experience … CHeck hr full post for the details …
This week I had a 2 ½ hour conference call with one of our clients. Normally I wouldn’t blab to the world who we work with. But I think it’s necessary here in the spirit of full disclosure — I’m about to rave about a first-time experience I had during a meeting with Microsoft using a Microsoft product called RoundTable.
A couple of my Forrester colleagues and 6 or 7 people from Microsoft were in a conference room in Redmond, Washington and I was in my home office in Rhode Island. …
Now, is it just me or is it really, really hard to consistently pay attention during a long, multi-party phone conversations? I blogged about this in a post a few days ago. Here’s where the beauty of RoundTable comes in:
- I could concentrate — I was fully engaged.
- I felt connected to the others even though we weren’t together in the same room.
- Non-verbal communication was resurrected.
This session was my a-ha moment about the power of video to transform virtual meetings. It’s time for me to get a Web cam.
Source: Microsoft RoundTable: An IMAX Movie Experience After Listening To FM Radio In Your Car
Erica Driver
Date Published: Fri, 07 Dec 2007 03:59:23 GMT