Peter wordt gedreven door de grenzeloze mogelijkheden van technologische vooruitgang en heeft meer dan 35 jaar ervaring op het snijvlak van business en IT. Gedurende zijn carrière heeft hij talloze ontwikkelingen zien opkomen en de impact ervan op organisaties en mensen van dichtbij meegemaakt. Met een scherp oog voor het vinden van oplossingen waar anderen obstakels zien, heeft hij zich ontwikkeld tot een vertrouwde expert in digitale transformaties.
Met Designing a Better Workday. als zijn missie helpt Peter individuen, teams en organisaties nieuwe vaardigheden te ontwikkelen en baanbrekende oplossingen te implementeren die werk slimmer, efficiënter en betekenisvoller maken. Zijn inzichten en ervaring maken hem een gewaardeerde bron voor iedereen die technologische trends wil begrijpen en benutten.
uuum, what comes after embrace and extend?*%22&btnG=Google+Search
I for one would love to see RSS in MSFT products. The standard was set more than six (!) years after all, so I quess it is about time MSFT got the mesaage. (/me is afraid though of MSFT doing stupid things in RSS readers like not honering 3xx messages for caching etc)
Yeah I know, I am a MSFT basher in my free time. 🙂
No problem that you’re crytical towards MS as long as you try to stay objective as well (I know I try this towards other platforms 😉 )
Expect al lot of RSS related solutions from Microsoft this year ..
I posted a blog around Office / Outlook 12 for example
I am “open” to all kinds of OSS-es, including windows. I dont have anything against MSFT, but your PR department is sometimes a bit too full of FUD. Esp. the “independent studies” make me itchy.
I understand.
Please keep in mind that what you call FUD is not exclusive to Microsoft / not Microsoft specific.
If you browse the blogs you’ll see a lot of dicussion about the role of analysts and how they are (or are not) influenced by the industry.
FUD [1] in fact was for IBM, now it seems all over MSFT. So yes, there are a lot of companies who’s PR department has been on the fine line between The Truth and lies.
But once again, your PR department is hurting both the research industry [2] and MSFT [3] more than it does good and more then MSFT knows. You should “Make Cool Products” instead of trying to squash the grassroot movement of OpenSource [4] (backed with the Big Blue and others). You wont get bigger by be-little-ing the OSS movement, just as bashing MSFT wont bring the OSS movement any further
Just to let you know, there is a complete new generation of youngsters out there that are beyond the MSN generation. They dont hate MSFT or like it, they dont care about MSFT. See the excellent “Windows is dead” [5] article from a Firefox developer.
“Windows is a foam peanut that comes in the computer box. More than Google trying to get onto the desktop, Microsoft is trying to get onto the Web.”
It really is time for MSFT to become more bazaar and less cathedral. Both in marketing and products. My generation think as google (or y!) and apple as the leaders for information and presentation. Not MSFT, not a XBOX, not MSNBC. And worse MSFT isnt even “the Zoetemelk”, the are lagging far… far behind. A foam peanut. Couldnt have said it better 🙂
Thanks for sharing this.
I don’t agree with you on all aspects. I haven’t had time to review all the links yet, but I know the trend in articles / blogposts for the most part already and think a lot of this is cultivated or at least as well.
I can build a list of links much longer than yours easily. Everyone has an opinion about Microsoft and perhaps righfully so, it plays a role in many peoples lives and not always does a good job to be honoust.
I do agree that both Google and Apple have compelling elements in (a few) of their offerings. And although they might be compelling and “cool” to youngsters, so is Microsoft in many ways. Look at the marketshare of MSN amongst youngsters for example and also XBox(360) is quite popular
Have you seen the CES keynote of Bill Gates ?
uuum, what comes after embrace and extend?*%22&btnG=Google+Search
I for one would love to see RSS in MSFT products. The standard was set more than six (!) years after all, so I quess it is about time MSFT got the mesaage. (/me is afraid though of MSFT doing stupid things in RSS readers like not honering 3xx messages for caching etc)
Yeah I know, I am a MSFT basher in my free time. 🙂
No problem that you’re crytical towards MS as long as you try to stay objective as well (I know I try this towards other platforms 😉 )
Expect al lot of RSS related solutions from Microsoft this year ..
I posted a blog around Office / Outlook 12 for example
I am “open” to all kinds of OSS-es, including windows. I dont have anything against MSFT, but your PR department is sometimes a bit too full of FUD. Esp. the “independent studies” make me itchy.
I understand.
Please keep in mind that what you call FUD is not exclusive to Microsoft / not Microsoft specific.
If you browse the blogs you’ll see a lot of dicussion about the role of analysts and how they are (or are not) influenced by the industry.
FUD [1] in fact was for IBM, now it seems all over MSFT. So yes, there are a lot of companies who’s PR department has been on the fine line between The Truth and lies.
But once again, your PR department is hurting both the research industry [2] and MSFT [3] more than it does good and more then MSFT knows. You should “Make Cool Products” instead of trying to squash the grassroot movement of OpenSource [4] (backed with the Big Blue and others). You wont get bigger by be-little-ing the OSS movement, just as bashing MSFT wont bring the OSS movement any further
Just to let you know, there is a complete new generation of youngsters out there that are beyond the MSN generation. They dont hate MSFT or like it, they dont care about MSFT. See the excellent “Windows is dead” [5] article from a Firefox developer.
“Windows is a foam peanut that comes in the computer box. More than Google trying to get onto the desktop, Microsoft is trying to get onto the Web.”
It really is time for MSFT to become more bazaar and less cathedral. Both in marketing and products. My generation think as google (or y!) and apple as the leaders for information and presentation. Not MSFT, not a XBOX, not MSNBC. And worse MSFT isnt even “the Zoetemelk”, the are lagging far… far behind. A foam peanut. Couldnt have said it better 🙂
Thanks for sharing this.
I don’t agree with you on all aspects. I haven’t had time to review all the links yet, but I know the trend in articles / blogposts for the most part already and think a lot of this is cultivated or at least as well.
I can build a list of links much longer than yours easily. Everyone has an opinion about Microsoft and perhaps righfully so, it plays a role in many peoples lives and not always does a good job to be honoust.
I do agree that both Google and Apple have compelling elements in (a few) of their offerings. And although they might be compelling and “cool” to youngsters, so is Microsoft in many ways. Look at the marketshare of MSN amongst youngsters for example and also XBox(360) is quite popular
Have you seen the CES keynote of Bill Gates ?