The latest study by The Radicati Group, “Instant Messaging Market, 2005-2009,” provides an in-depth analysis of the worldwide instant messaging market, including installed base, market share, breakouts by region, and analysis of key vendor products and strategies. The study also contains results of a survey of IM use within 523 organizations worldwide.
Use of instant messaging amongst consumer and business users continues to increase, and is expected to drive the instant messaging market from 867 million accounts in 2005, to approximately 1.2 billion accounts in 2009.
The study shows that the majority of IM traffic in 2005 still exists mainly on the public IM networks (12.5 billion IMs sent per day), where the technology first took hold.
The report segments the instant messaging market into: public IM networks, enterprise instant messaging vendors, and IM management vendors.
IM management will become an increasingly integral part of the market, as enterprises that rely on the public IM networks for instant messaging look to IM management vendors for security against the rising onslaught of worms and viruses, as well as for archiving and logging tools for regulatory compliance.
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New Radicati report on IM market 2005 – 2009
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Personally, I would be very reluctant to believe anything that company states, be it positive or negative in the marketplace.
That’s a shaime .. I know Radicati stopt being positive about Lotus Notes and that that has caused a lot of discussion in the Notes community.
I have to say I find their research not only in line with other major analysts, but also more daring sometimes.
It is as far as I know one of the few analysts that realy and thoroughly researches the email landscape.
Maybe the Notes community has stopped being objective when it comes to Radicati. There aren’t a lot of unique opinions across the board anyways.
thoroughly researches the email landscape? really????
This same data on “we surveyed 32 customers” is in a “new” report that they published today. That doesn’t seem thoroughly researched to me. In fact, most researchers would call it statistically invalid.
I am very aware that Radicati is no longer in your ‘friendly corner’ so to say.
Maybe this is because they have not published very positive stuff around Lotus in the past year or so.
Your relationship with Radicati used to be better if I recall correctly :,289142,sid4_gci787248,00.html
You may be correct on the used data / statistics, I have not seen the latest reports yet.
When I mentioned thoroughness of researching the email market I was primairly referring to the fact that Radicati does a lot of research into this and from what I have seen much more than any of the onther analists who typically come with much broader (up for interpretation ?) type of research such as license sales in wide geographies.
Anyway I am not a spokesman, nor a defender of Radicati. I did see a shift in IBM’s attitude towards Radicati once the tide shifted on Lotus Notes / Workplace.
No, the IBM community shifted when it became apparent that Radicati used very dodgy statistics and then tried to cover up their “facts” by lying and posting false comments on websites.
The statistics are dodgy nowadays ? They Weren’t a few years ago ?
As for the whole incident on Radicati triggered about a year ago ? Are there actually any winners ?
It showed the power of blogging defenitly and also the strong bond in the Notes community, but I can’t say it has been an open discussion (maybe it was not intended to be)
It’s very simple, Peter. Radicati’s market forecasts have changed dramatically in the last two years. It doesn’t matter what that firm said in the past, because they themselves have shifted — and then stayed remarkably on a single message since. In the case of their market share charts, especially in recent reports, they don’t reflect the reality of the growth of the Notes/Domino business in the last three quarters. They wrote reports where they said they didn’t believe IBM that there would be a version of Notes after 7, and that Notes was end-of-life and customers should migrate. “Hannover” gets announced and they say the same things.
Even I adjust — I don’t talk about how Exchange is going to be SQL-based anymore since MS has screwed that one up so many times. I wouldn’t have any credibility if I was still talking about “Kodiak” and whatever. Radicati, on the other hand, sticks to messages that are at odds with other analysts (Ferris, Burton, Gartner, even Forrester now). Why?
You made your point I guess. I don’t know wh Radicati is so persistent, they are quite right if you ask me when it comes to the uptake (or rther non uptake) of Workplace, which according to the recent article on is now nothing more than a brand ? yeah right. The focus is back on Lotus Notes and this is a good move if yo ask me. Workplace as a platform seems to fail .. long live te Workplace brand.
Your opinion on the MS roadmap (the checkerboard, isn’t it)is also clearly understood. I still think it is great that Microsoft continues to win market share with the current Exchnage technology and Exchange 12 down the pipeline. You’ve seen my blog on the marketshare in The Netherlands; a solid 65% !
Let’s not forget Haover is not here yet 🙂
Peter, my point is about the professionalism of the company. Their actions over the past year have been a disgrace. Any professional analysist firm will take flack and argue in the professional field. It has been proved that Radicati have tried to have numerous bloggers fired for both posting arguments to their “facts” or even mailing them questioning their reports. As a point, I filled out online Radicati “surveys” a while back (not to sabotage their results), and even found their questions leaned on the anti-IBM path. If they acted fairly, I would not comment like this, but they didnt (and still dont).
You’ve made your point. I am not aware of all the details of what has happened in the past. I guess the whole process (the incredible uptake, etc.) surprised a lot of people. Some may have underestimated this. SOme read more in to it than it actually is.
As I said earlier, I am not a defender of Radicati. I merely quote some of their analyst results, because they do have a level of detail which is beyond that of the major analsysts in the field of IM and Email. Sure IDC and Dataquest come close.
As for their methodology, validity of statistics, etc : some reports are better than others, some are just not up to par. Same can be said for a lot of other analysts from time to time.
The bias about IBM is a something, hence my statement that from the whole Radicati ‘incident’ there are no winners …
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