Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online | A 10 Step Exchange Migration Guide: “A 10 Step Migration Survival Guide and Poster
Most system administrators have discovered that when it comes to Microsoft Exchange migrations, the process can be a bit more complicated than they first thought. In fact, the key to any successful Exchange migration is organization and proper process design.
This ten step migration survival guide helps by providing a clear and concise migration process that can be adapted to any Exchange migration. It helps by providing appropriate reminders in each of the key steps of the migration. It recommends the inter-organization migration � moving from your existing Exchange organization to a completely new structure � but also offers advice on inter-organization migrations. Whatever your migration strategy, these ten steps will help ensure you don�t forget anything crucial in the process.
In addition to the guide, you can download a handy poster that itemizes the 10 key steps of your Excahange migration.
(PDF guide, 16 pages/PDF Poster, 1 page) “