Microsoft heeft IDC gevraagd een onderzoek te doen naar de correlatie tussen het succes van partners en hun focus op het leveren van cloud diensten. Hieronder de management samenvatting en de link naar het volledige rapport :
IDC has worked with Microsoft on understanding profitability and success in the cloud. Insight from IDC’s research reveals the proven potential of leading with the cloud, and provides helpful advice from top-performing partners.
Top Partners Take a Hybrid Approach to Success
Cloud growth is 5X that of the IT industry overall. Though, the reality is that customers
will continue to have on-premise technologies for a long time to come. Top partners take a hybrid approach to success.Cloud Partners Are The Best Performing Partners
In multiple surveys, cloud-oriented partners significantly outperformed their peers: Higher Revenue/Employee, Higher Gross Profit, Higher Customer Acquisition, and Faster Growth.
Top Partners Tend to Embrace Cloud Trends Early
While cloud contributes to these metrics, it’s clear that top-performing partners have takenon cloud first, incorporating cloud as part of their overall successful business model. Top partners have vision and tend to embrace trends early.
Cloud Can Improve Partner Business Models
Top partners agree that cloud helps open new doors, upsell other software and services, and generally grow revenue. Gross profit has improved for many partners, as they learn how to offer fixed fee engagements with optimized delivery.
There are Still Risks and Obstacles Along the Journey
Cloud partners have had to manage cash flow issues, replace old streams of revenue with new ones, and manage often longer sales cycles. No one is claiming you can sell one cloud offering and prosper.
Invest Now – Target 50% or More of Your Business in the Cloud
Make the journey now to join the successful cloud partners in this study. Aim for 50%
or more of your revenue to be cloud-related. There is no more hesitation in getting on-board.Bron : IDC / Microssoft cloud study
Van deze studie is ook een mooie infographic gemaakt : IDC Cloud Infrographic