Gartner gives it’s perspective on Microsoft’s recent Software + Services anouncement :
… Analysis
Software + Services is Microsoft’s answer to the software as a service (SaaS) trend, as well as a continuation and refinement of the Live services strategy announced in 2005. While the term “SaaS” is associated with all services residing in the “cloud,” Microsoft’s strategy encompasses two scenarios not usually considered SaaS: “Rich” client code, which leverages Microsoft’s dominance in desktop operating systems and Office applications; and on-premise software, as Microsoft is designing its server-based offerings to work either on-premises, hosted by third parties or hosted by Microsoft …
… Recommendations
- Office users: Those interested in the collaboration features of Google Apps should evaluate Microsoft’s offerings before making decisions.
- IT managers: Expect Microsoft to offer more “cloud-based” offerings, with many focused on individual use. While not aimed at enterprises, these offerings will be used by business users. IT should plan strategies regarding them. …