Get some timesaving new tips for both Windows Vista and the 2007 Microsoft Office release. Some of them may seem open doors / things you already know and do. However you may discover something you didn’t know. Take the ‘restore previous file versions’ for example, this was something I discovered about a year ago when first running Vista. It helped me out a number of times when I was stupid enough to overwrite a presentation, but I bad that never happens to you does it 😉 …
… No matter what your computer experience, when you start using new versions of the software you most depend on, it can take some time to discover favorite new features and timesavers. So, think of this article as a shortcut to some great new shortcuts.
While no single article could possibly include them all, each of the tips that follow either does more than I expected at first glance or simplifies something I need to do regularly.
Source: 8 timesaving tips for Windows Vista and the 2007 Microsoft Office release
Date originally published: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:50:17 GMT