Lawrence Liu of the Microsoft SharePoint team gives an overbiew of the status of the DoD 5015.2 certification for SharePoint. This is an important step for the Microsoft platform to provide full swing Records Management …
Based on the growing number of questions about DoD 5015.2 certification that I’ve seen in the SharePoint community and heard from customers over the past few weeks, it’s obvious that many people missed the announcement that had been posted on the Records Management Team Blog back in November. In summary:
Microsoft is working on a Records Center Add-on Pack for Office SharePoint Server which will provide the additional functionality to meet the DoD 5015.2 criteria. The add-on pack will be freely available to all customers with Office SharePoint Server 2007, so anyone can take advantage of the new features.
Microsoft is slotted to take the DoD 5015.2 certification test on May 14, 2007 and we plan to release the add-on pack shortly after the certification process is complete.
I’m very pleased to confirm that we are on track with our preparations to meet the May 14 testing date. While we are confident about achieving this important certification, we cannot commit to a final release date for the “Add-on Pack” until after the testing date. Rest assured that we will make an announcement and provide more details as soon as we can. We appreciate your support and thank you for your patience.
<Lawrence />
Link to Status update re: DoD 5015.2 certification for MOSS 2007