Epicor Unveils New Desktop Productivity Solution on Microsoft Office System

…Epicor Software Corporation has announced the introduction of Epicor Information Worker (IW), a new desktop productivity solution that delivers Epicor’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications on the 2007 Microsoft® Office system, providing information workers improved access to business data. Unveiled today to the more than 2,000 attendees at Epicor Perspectives 2006, the company’s annual customer conference, Epicor IW enables individuals to boost productivity and improve real-time decision-making, key factors in improving bottom-line results. …

… In today’s accelerating information workplace, the connection of the business worker to the right data at the right time represents a significant business opportunity for the software industry. According to Forrester Research, “As enterprises better understand the interrelationship between roles, collaboration, content, and business processes, the need to provide information within the context of an information worker’s daily activities will drive the implementation of Information Workplaces.”

Sixty percent of the respondents to a recent Forrester survey about the information workplace said, “that providing content within the context of the business process is extremely important. . . By moving to contextualized information workplaces, workers will receive information seamlessly, and they no longer have to mentally and manually integrate disparate tools into their work environments.” …

Source: CRMToday 

Another great example of the recognition of Microsoft Office System as a platform. You’ve seen all the major ECM players move this way. The Forrester Report highlighted in this article addresses what they call the ‘contextualized information workplaces’ Microsoft with Microsoft Office System is very well positioned to deliver this solution, today. And bare in mind this is the the ‘all encompassing user interface for activity based collaboration’, this is the (business) information you need in the application you use.

Peter de Haas
Peter de Haas

Peter wordt gedreven door de grenzeloze mogelijkheden van technologische vooruitgang en heeft meer dan 35 jaar ervaring op het snijvlak van business en IT. Gedurende zijn carrière heeft hij talloze ontwikkelingen zien opkomen en de impact ervan op organisaties en mensen van dichtbij meegemaakt. Met een scherp oog voor het vinden van oplossingen waar anderen obstakels zien, heeft hij zich ontwikkeld tot een vertrouwde expert in digitale transformaties.

Met Designing a Better Workday. als zijn missie helpt Peter individuen, teams en organisaties nieuwe vaardigheden te ontwikkelen en baanbrekende oplossingen te implementeren die werk slimmer, efficiënter en betekenisvoller maken. Zijn inzichten en ervaring maken hem een gewaardeerde bron voor iedereen die technologische trends wil begrijpen en benutten.

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