The partner eco system that Microsoft has build is a very strong instrument and one of the main reasons of success. It’s good to see this type of recognition ..
Also more good news’s not only quotes to an analyst report, the report itsself is also available for download :
- Worldwide Software Channel Program 2005 Vendor Profiles (IDC, Dec. 1, 2005, .pdf, 178K) “This study provides a review and analysis of the channel programs of key vendors in the software market.”
The Microsoft Partner Program got high marks from industry analysts at IDC in a recent survey comparing the channel programs of 25 top software vendors.
…”Microsoft continues to deliver on the phased rollout of its completely reengineered Partner Program that was launched in January 2004,” the IDC competitive analysis report states. “Additional investment is being put toward improving partner infrastructure, including extending and infusing more value into engagement and business planning capabilities.”…
[Via Redmond | News]