Microsoft May Give Consumers A Share in Advertising Revenue

For obvious reasons I removed Google adsence from my blog a while ago. Let’s hope this new service arrives soon … The intention by the way is not to get rich from this, but donate this to charity. Not sure if Google adsence has this already, but it would be good that a “donate this money to charity” button comes standard with the service. – Microsoft May Give Consumers A Share in Advertising Revenue “Microsoft Corp. may up the ante in its competition with Google Inc. by sharing some of its online-advertising revenue with consumers who use its Internet search engine.
The concept, described by Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates in a presentation last week in India, is being considered as a way to draw more users to Microsoft’s search business. It would mark a significant change in how a major search engine operates.”

[Via Peter O’Kelly’s Reality Check]

Peter de Haas
Peter de Haas

Peter is gedreven door de eindeloze mogelijkheden die technologische vooruitgang biedt. Met een scherp oog voor het herkennen van oplossingen waar anderen slechts problemen zien, is hij een expert in digitale transformaties. Peter zet zich met volle overgave in om individuen, teams en organisaties te begeleiden bij het ontwikkelen van nieuwe vaardigheden en het implementeren van innovatieve oplossingen.

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