Sean Alexander has made a download with 32 new search providers for IE7 along with instructions on how you can create your own.
You get the following providers:
-C|Net (Product search)
-Flickr (
-LA Times
-The Mercury News
-Microsoft Help & Support Knowledgebase
-Microsoft Office Clip Art Gallery Live (Note: May require MS Office license)
-Microsoft PressPass (for the Journalists and Newshounds)
-MSDN (Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers!)
-MSN Images
-MSN Music
-MSN News
-The New York Times
-The Seattle Times
-Technorati (Blog it!)
-UPS (United Parcel Service)
-The Wall Street Journal
-The weather Channel
Once again, it involves registry edits so be careful 🙂
[Via Adam’s Mindspace]