$99 Linux Handheld with WiFi for Instant Messaging

I just had a discussion earlioer this week with my collegue Maarten (’the mobile guy’ 😉 ) about how there would be a market for a mobile device that ‘just’ does wireless IM. I am very sure it will replace SMS in a huge manor in the coming years …
The device described below looks a lot like the ‘surfing’ device that Nokia announced a couple of months ago.

An anonymous reader writes “LinuxDevices.com has an interesting write up about the new Aeronix Zipit instant messenger appliance. It is intended to free up a family PC from IM chatting teens. From the article: “the Zipit is based on a Cirrus EP7312-CR-90, an SoC (system-on-chip) with an ARM720T core that clocks up to 90MHz. This chip is supported by several Linux distributions, including FSMLabs’s real-time RTLinux.” At $99 (cheaper than many textbooks and graphing calculators) it could even be good for classrooms. With that 802.11b WiFi, I think this might be a perfect note-taking computer for students in lectures. ”

[Via Slashdot: ]

Peter de Haas
Peter de Haas

Peter is gedreven door de eindeloze mogelijkheden die technologische vooruitgang biedt. Met een scherp oog voor het herkennen van oplossingen waar anderen slechts problemen zien, is hij een expert in digitale transformaties. Peter zet zich met volle overgave in om individuen, teams en organisaties te begeleiden bij het ontwikkelen van nieuwe vaardigheden en het implementeren van innovatieve oplossingen.

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