Some security threats, including those aimed at IP telephony and mobile devices,�are overblown,�two�Gartner analysts say,�and they caution that misplaced security concerns may distract from fighting real problems.
Lawrence Orans, principal analyst at Gartner, and John Pescatore, vice president and Gartner fellow, say�that while attacks on IP telephony and mobile devices may come eventually, current warnings about security problems are ahead of actual attacks.
Voice is no more insecure than e-mail, Orans said.Â�"Securing IP telephony is very similar to securing a data-only network," Orans said during a presentation this week at the Gartner IT Security Summit in Washington, D.C. "The fact that you could capture packets with e-mail isn’t being covered in the trade publications." ….
Read whole article at source : [Via InfoWorld: Top News]
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