Radicati Study Shows IBM Workplace Ambivalence
A quarter of the surveyed customers still don’t understand IBM’s new Workplace strategy.
A new survey of the attitudes and procurement plans of IBM Lotus Notes/Domino customers conducted by The Radicati Group was released today. The results show mixed returns on IBM’s Workplace strategy.
In a published brief, the Palo Alto, Calif-based research group noted that a quarter of the surveyed customers still don’t understand the company’s new Workplace strategy. 21% of the respondents have made plans to deploy Workplace, and the rest have decided not to migrate to Workplace or are still evaluating their options.
For those customers that have decided not to deploy IBM Workplace, 60% indicated they will stick with Lotus Domino for as long as possible, while another 20% indicated plans to migrate to competitive products such as Microsoft Exchange or Novell GroupWise.
A full analysis of the report will be published here next week. For further information, visit www.radicati.com. “Via : Messaging Pipeline | Radicati Study Shows IBM Workplace Ambivalence:
Confusion due to lack of a consistent story seems to be still very much the reason for slow adoption / intentions around Workplace. Good to see a fair number moving to Microsoft.
The full free whitepaper is available now and a download can be requested through the Radicati site : go here