OpenOffice team wants IBM contribution

OpenOffice team wants IBM contribution – PCW

… Big Blue urged to donate developer time to open source productivity suite

The team behind Sun Microsystems’ OpenOffice wants IBM to donate developer time to the open source productivity suite, the project’s leader Louis Suarez-Potts told

“IBM has refrained from contributing to the development. It has thereby declined to participate in the open source environment [around OpenOffice],” he said. “We invite IBM to contribute to OpenOffice.”

IBM did not respond to repeated requests to comment. The vendor sells OpenOffice as part of its Workplace suite, a group of applications built on top of Lotus which organisations can host on a central server. ….

I wonder what IBM’s strategy with regards to Office Productivity tools really is. You would think they would do almost everything to avoid Microsoft stuff in their solution. However on the other hand they claim (yes claim) to have better integration between Office and their various collaboration platforms.

Also funny to see that also this reporter is confused by IBM’s various platforms : “…Workplace suite, a group of applications built on top of Lotus…”.

IBM also seems to become less responsive as also indicated in this article. I can also recall a recent article, to which I’ve seen very little repsonse whereas in the recent past there would be a lot of noise. (more here).

A new IBM ???

… Suarez-Potts explained that he wants IBM’s help in moving beyond the upcoming OpenOffice version 2.0. The suite has been around for about two decades and its age slows down the development process. “It is very monolithic. There is lots of legacy [code] that makes it difficult to do things quickly,” he said. …

This is a good commercial for OpenOffice. No comments here.

Peter de Haas
Peter de Haas

Peter is gedreven door de grenzeloze mogelijkheden van technologische vooruitgang. Met meer dan 35 jaar ervaring in de IT heeft hij talloze ontwikkelingen zien opkomen en hun impact op organisaties en mensen meegemaakt. Met een scherp oog voor het identificeren van oplossingen waar anderen alleen problemen zien, is hij een ware expert in digitale transformaties.
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