ZDNet’s Steve Gillmor has been studying me pretty well lately. I’m impressed. Imagine if we had an RSS aggregator that worked that way. Imagine if it said “hey, I noticed that you’ve been linking to a lot of Sun Microsystems’ stuff lately, would you like me to build a search query for Sun Microsystems?”
To the meat of his point, Steve says “Microsoft has lost its dominant ownership of the conversation.”I answered: ” why does Microsoft have to be the dominant conversationalist? Isn’t that unhealthy for the marketplace? Even though I’m partisan toward Microsoft’s interests (hey, they did give me stock when I started work here) I think it’s far healthier for the world to have a variety of voices all trying to make people’s lives better.”
There always seems to be a stick to beat Microsoft when someone needs one. To my opinion Robert always tries to see things from different perspectives. Mr. Gillmor aparently makes a study out of this. Does he think dominance is a good or a bad thing, I don’t know. I think he always needs an excuse to write about Microsoft in his own ‘objective way’.