Alec and Andy do VoIP futures

Some interseting thoughts about the future of Voice Over IP. I have to say that on some points the authors are not fully informed on the developments of Microsoft in the field of VOIP. Make sure you check out the video on the webpage as well, it gives you a good overview. The Windows embedded group makes good progress in this field, although I don’t think Microsoft has the ambition of becoming your phone company. With VOIP you will have even more felxibility of choosing how you make a call.

Alec Saunders comments on Andy Abramson’s 6 SWAGs, so I thought I’d give it a try as well, albeit keeping the Canadian market a bit more in mind.

  1. Yahoo becomes your phone company

    Not if they keep switching protocol formats, they won’t! (see Ted Shelton’s post on “The IM Wars”)

  2. Microsoft becomes your phone company

    Nope, but like Alec says, they’ll provide technology plus APIs to hook into different systems. They’re offering various broadband network gear for the home — an MS phone appliance isn’t too much of a stretch.

  3. AOL becomes your phone company

    Alec says that they’re doing this in Canada, will have to check on this. All large ISPs continue to look for services to sell to their customers — being nothing more than a bit mover is not a high margin business, and it’s not very much fun, either.

  4. There will be shakeout within the VoIP industry sooner than people realize

    The shakeout may happen even before it really gets established here in Canada. Of course, this is still mass-market residential stuff — the small business market is where things are going to be really interesting, and where the telcos are going to have to fight tooth and nail to retain their expensive monopoly pricing. We haven’t seen this pain yet, but it’s coming.

  5. Look for the mobile carriers in the USA to become VoIP partners

    I only wish this would happen in Canada. Perhaps Primus should buy Microcell/Fido? Wow, that would be a great bundle. Sure I’m biased because I use the two services, but the point is I really don’t need a landline voice on top of my high speed access (from Shaw).

  6. WiFi with VoIP

    Perhaps a good way to finally get money out of all that free wireless access? Right now, many free/open wireless access points block anything but http/https traffic. How do these networks serve as

And I’ll add a #7 (although it belongs up there with #1 and #2, and maybe even #6):

Apple becomes your phone company

They’ve got iChat, Tiger Server is going to ship with an enterprise IM server based on Jabber, and they’ve got the .Mac online service. Let’s add a fun Apple rumour on at the end: Apple launches a new iPod that is both wireless- and voice-enabled. And I’m still not counting that mystery USB connection on the Airport Express out either — how easy would it be to plug in a USB phone?!

[Via B. Mann Consulting – Technology Consulting in Vancouver]

Peter de Haas
Peter de Haas

Peter wordt gedreven door de grenzeloze mogelijkheden van technologische vooruitgang en heeft meer dan 35 jaar ervaring op het snijvlak van business en IT. Gedurende zijn carrière heeft hij talloze ontwikkelingen zien opkomen en de impact ervan op organisaties en mensen van dichtbij meegemaakt. Met een scherp oog voor het vinden van oplossingen waar anderen obstakels zien, heeft hij zich ontwikkeld tot een vertrouwde expert in digitale transformaties.

Met Designing a Better Workday. als zijn missie helpt Peter individuen, teams en organisaties nieuwe vaardigheden te ontwikkelen en baanbrekende oplossingen te implementeren die werk slimmer, efficiënter en betekenisvoller maken. Zijn inzichten en ervaring maken hem een gewaardeerde bron voor iedereen die technologische trends wil begrijpen en benutten.

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