Tag Search

Search Server 2008 Express (x86) – RC

This is the release candidate version available for download now …. Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express helps you bring search to your organization quickly, easily, and for free. Source: Search Server 2008 Express (x86) – RCDate Published: Tue, 06 Nov…

First Look: Microsoft Tafiti

Microsoft Tafiti : combining Microsoft Live Search with Silverlight …  … About a week back I got an internal email asking us to kick the tires on a new Silverlight/search demo called Tafiti. Tafiti is a mashup that uses the…

Microsoft Search Appliance

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, that a mouthfull, but also a very powerfull Enterprise Search Solution. Various partners have now also started to build Search Appliances like this one below. Expect more, much more in the coming months…