UC End User Experience
Very good presentation to help you understand the value of Unfied Communications even better … Learn how to communicate within applications. Source: UC End User ExperienceDate Published: Tue, 09 Oct 2007
Designing a better workday.
Designing a better workday.
Very good presentation to help you understand the value of Unfied Communications even better … Learn how to communicate within applications. Source: UC End User ExperienceDate Published: Tue, 09 Oct 2007
Persona is a design principle used by Microsoft in most cases for UI design. Forrester interviews Jakob Nielsen on the design of the UI for Microsoft Dynamics: Microsoft Dynamics Global User Experience Group continues to push the development of better…
Interesting points these also articulate platform vs Best of Breed. The ‘persuavieness of the content’ and ‘ design for people’ are the core design principles for Microsoft the is the Ínformation Worker paradigm … … Defining a strategy for enterprise…
Arjen Bruinning meldt een supermooie toepassing van de MSN Chatbot bij Hogeschool Rotterdam. Zijn post bevat ook een videootje van de toepassing. … Marc van Dam, student op de Hogeschool van Rotterdam, was het zat om dagelijks meer dan 15…
This quick reference card provides the basic steps for creating and scheduling an event using Microsoft Office Live Meeting. Source: Microsoft Office Live Meeting Events Quick Reference CardAuthor: Date originally published: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 06:17:29 GMT
… This year’s Magic Quadrant for information access technology includes two new Leaders. The Challengers quadrant also now includes two new megavendors that were not previously in it, which implies consolidation could be coming closer … Very cool, Microsoft happens…
Interessant perspectief het aspect ‘kennisdrain’ is zeker iets dat bij in ‘het nieuwe werken’, de visie van Microsoft op o.a. de arbeidsmarkt ontwikkeling sterk de aandacht heeft. IT-verantwoordelijken moeten zich een beetje zorgen gaan maken over de kennis en vaardigheden van…
Hoezo niet veel werknemers zijn " echte" Information Workers ? Onderstaand onderzoek toont maar weer eens aan hoe informatie technologie is verweven met ons dagelijks werk en hoe elke individuele medewerker voordeel kan halen uit een optimale werkplek … Maar…
Lawrence Liu of the SharePoint Team blogs about a number of new initiatives around Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 … … I’m very happy to see an increasing amount of SharePoint specific content targeted at information workers (i.e. end users)…
Over on the WebEx blog (yes the Office LiveMeeting competitor) I came across a blogpost which referred to an interesting study on the Psychology of the Mobile Workforce. The study is commissioned by Cisco, but that doesn’t make it any…