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Oud en nieuw

Bij het aanmelden van mijn aanstaande Porsche kwam ik ook de ‘ oude’ nog tegen in de Porsche Connect portal Oud en nieuw. Een wereld van verschil en toch weer niet

We need to talk about AI – a film by Futurist Gerd Leonhard

Gerd Leonhard's film delves into the human-machine relationship, AI's potential benefits in various fields, and its existential threats to human identity and employment. He introduces "DIGITAL ETHICS" as a means to manage AI's rise thoughtfully, emphasizing the need for a global council to address the profound ethical implications.

Opting out of Sonos Beta

I decided to start my gradual ‘opt-out’ of Sonos by first leaving the Beta Program. This means I will no longer test / contribute to improving Sonos. Although I certainly do not overestimate my personal contributions in this area, I…