Tag Google

YouTube Killer in the making ?

Apparently a number of companies, including Microsoft, have joined forces to create a competitive platform against YouTube. Not small companies : “the giant cooperative idea for a “new YouTube” put out there by NBC, NewsCorp, MSN, AOL and Yahoo.” Emily…

Google opent deuren in Amsterdam

Grappige reportage over de nieuwe lokatie van Google in Amsterdam. De reporter probeert enige vorm van vergelijk te vinden tussen de Google Campus ("GooglePlex") en de lokatie in Amsterdam. De overeenkomsten : een tafelvoetbalspel en een massagestoel … Goed te…

Google’s Master Plan

Somehow I like conspiracy theories … I ran into this one over on MSN Soapbox initially but it has been removed for reasons I don’t know … another conspiracy or plain old copyright reasons ? Anyway, the video now has…

Serious flaw in Google Desktop gets fix

scaling enterprise solutions = exploits (unfortunatly) … … Several flaws in the popular Google Desktop software could open PCs up to intruders and possible data theft, a security company has warned. The search giant has released patches for the issues,…