Rss-feeds onderhouden via MSN Messenger
FeedXS biedt vanaf woensdag een dienst aan waarmee rss-feeds gevuld kunnen worden met behulp van het chatprogramma MSN Messenger. [Via Webwereld]
Designing a better workday.
Designing a better workday.
FeedXS biedt vanaf woensdag een dienst aan waarmee rss-feeds gevuld kunnen worden met behulp van het chatprogramma MSN Messenger. [Via Webwereld]
The Microsoft SharePoint team started their own blog : SharePoint Team Blog Thanks to : Michael Sampson.
On top of the 30 Windows SharePoint Services Applications introduced in August of last year, Microsoft has released 3 new WSS Applications : Discussion Database This application for Windows SharePoint Services allows team members to create, review and reply to…
Yesterday Microsoft announced an updated and expaneded toolset to support organisations using Lotus Notes/Domino to co-exist or migrate to the Microsoft Collaboration platform: Microsoft Announces New Application and Messaging Migration Tools for Lotus Notes/Domino Customers Hundreds of new companies worldwide…
Microsoft start een nieuw offensief om klanten weg te kapen bij IBM. Het bedrijf doet dat met een aantal gratis tools waarmee de overstap van Lotus Domino naar Exchange soepel verloopt. [Via NEWS] Meer posts / informatie over dit…
While doing an earlier post I browsed the overview of Analyst reports on the Microsoft Website again and I bumped into a Magic Quadrant report on Web Conferencing by Gartner group. Good to see that Microsoft also gets the well…
As information workers become more and more distracted by incoming e-mail, voice mail, instant messages and other disruptions, scientists at Microsoft Research are developing intelligent software that determines when and how users should be interrupted with these communications. [Via Microsoft…
Protect Windows SharePoint Services document libraries against viruses, dangerous file types, and undesirable language with a free, extended trial of Antigen for SharePoint. Download link : Download Antigen Virus Protection for Windows SharePoint Services
Ik heb nog 5 Microsoft Live Messenger Beta invites. Als je serieus interesse hebt, laat het me dan even weten via comments of email. I’ve got additional Microsoft Live Messenger Beta invites for people who are seriously intereseted ..let me…
Use the Communicator Getting Started Quick Reference Card for step-by-step instructions for common Communicator 2005 tasks. [Via Microsoft Download Center]