Designing a better workday.
Designing a better workday.
Tag AI
Perplexity CEO: Disrupting Google Search with AI
Revolutionizing Productivity: Unveiling the Limitless Pendant
The Humane AI Pin | A Not So Great Review
The beginning of AI: A look back in time
We need to talk about AI – a film by Futurist Gerd Leonhard
How the ‘big 5’ bolstered their AI through acquisitions in 2019 | VentureBeat
All the big tech firms secured AI talent and technology through acquisitions this year, including Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Google. — Lees op
Introducing SandDance: Data Visualization in Azure Data Studio | Data Exposed
SandDance provides data visualization in the context of the data you are operating in and gives you interactive data exploration where you can quickly find pattern, trends and anomalies from the data. It’s rich interactive 3D viewer gives the effects…
The AI Doctor Will See You Now
Advances in neural networks and other techniques promise to transform health care while raising profound questions about our bodies and society. — Lees op
Strategisch Actieplan AI kabinet en lancering AI Coalitie
Staatssecretaris Mona Keijzer (Economische Zaken en Klimaat) presenteerde dinsdag 8 oktober in Den Haag het Strategisch Actieplan voor Artificiële Intelligentie (AI) van het kabinet. Aansluitend lanceren bedrijven, organisaties, kennisinstellingen en overheden de Nederlandse AI Coalitie, een publiek-private samenwerking om de…
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