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IT managers are ringing up VoIP

IT managers have phoned home with their interest in Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). According to Infonetics Research, North American VoIP service revenue rang up $1.3 billion in 2004. Sales are expected to continue ringing up to $19.9 billion in…

Microsoft en Nokia over BlackBerry

Met de launch van Windows Mobile 5.0*… wordt er in de pers weerde nodige aandacht besteedt aan de bewegingen van Microsoft op het gebied van Mobile. Uiteraard wordt Bill Gates ook om zijn mening gevraagd. Een quote van Gates in de…

Messagecast moving on …

“Dear Peter de Haas, We have an important announcement: MessageCast has been acquired. As part of the transition, we need to have you review new licensing terms. Our service will be temporarily disabled in preparation for this. A follow-up email…